Our Vision...
to create a world in which social determinants of health and wellness no longer cause generational disparities or decreased quality of life for any individual.
Since our founding in 2011, our mission has been to improve health outcomes and quality of life for individuals by addressing the social determinants that influence health and wellness through education, training, advocacy, and programs.
It all Matters...
Where we eat; live; work; play; worship; learn; recreate; and get care matters.
The social determinants of health matter!
Inspiration and Change, Inc. believes we are all the sum of our experiences, whether they were desirable or undesirable. None of our experiences have to negatively impact our present or our future; especially those that were beyond our control, knowledge, or experience. We provide services intended to improve the "ecology" of each individual we encounter. We want to be a part of your new journey toward total well-being.
Your story continues...

It is a tenet of all Inspiration and Change, Inc. programs and services to provide help in a way that serves the whole person. This does not mean we can meet every need, but it means we are considering all the needs associated with the presenting or urgent need we are currently addressing.
We recognize the social determinants of health in all of our services. It. All. Matters. Where we eat, worship, learn, work, and recreate play an important role in health outcomes. That understanding is what makes us unique.
An Ecological Approach
Science has known for quite a long time about social determinants of health (SDOH) and their effects and has provided some effective strategies for alleviating disparities related to health and well-being. However, implementation has not been well-supported or executed until recently. At Inspiration and Change, Inc. we utilize proven public health strategies and practices that incorporate reliable theory and evidence-based strategies.
We know that we must address the whole person to address any single issue an individual may be experiencing. We also know that we must help individuals to help the community. Our programming considers the fact that we are all dynamic, multifaceted beings who can not be fully served unless we take an ecological and long-term perspective for service provision.